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Hyacinth bulbs

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24 results
Scilla Siberica - Siberian Squill
Hyacinth Bulb Vase
4,99 -20%
Scilla Siberica - Siberian Squill (Large Pack)
7,99 -13%
Polianthes tuberosa the Pearl  Large Pack XL
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3 Bulbs
9,99 -50%
Polianthes Tuberosa The Pearl
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1 Bulb
Scilla Campanulata Mix
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10 Bulbs
Hyacinthus Fantasy Mix - Hyacinth
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10 Bulbs
9,99 -10%
Hyacinthoides Hispanica Blue Spanish Bluebells
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10 Bulbs
Hyacinthus Fantasy Mix
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20 Bulbs
14,99 -33%
Hyacinth Aiolos - Hyacinthus
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5 Bulbs
Hyacinth City of Haarlem - Hyacinthus
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5 Bulbs
Hyacinth Gipsy Queen - Hyacinthus
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5 Bulbs
Hyacinth Delft Blue (Blue Jacket) - Hyacinthus
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5 Bulbs
Hyacinth Woodstock - Hyacinthus
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5 Bulbs
Hyacinth Jan Bos - Hyacinthus
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5 Bulbs
Camassia quamash Bear's Grass
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40 Bulbs
Hyacinth Pink Surprise - Hyacinthus
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5 Bulbs
Hyacinth Red Dream Mix - Hyacinthus
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10 Bulbs
9,99 -10%
Hyacinth Fantasy Mix - Hyacinthus
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50 Bulbs
39,99 -38%
Hyacinthus Fantasy Mix
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100 Bulbs
69,99 -43%
Hyacinths Blue Water Mix - Hyacinthus
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10 Bulbs
Hyacinthoides Hispanica Mix Spanish Bluebells
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10 Bulbs
Hyacinths Pastel Mix - Hyacinthus
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8 Bulbs
9,99 -20%
Scilla Siberica Alba - Siberian Squill White
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15 Bulbs

Hyacinths - wonderful ornamental plants and a Roman delicacy

Hyacinths originate from the Mediterranean area and have been loved for centuries as ornamental plants and in the Roman times hyacinth bulbs were considered a delicacy and often eaten. Hyacinths came to the Netherlands from the Mediterranean area, via France, so that the Netherlands is now famous for its bulb growth with the breathtaking spring hyacinth fields in the province of Noord-Holland and their intoxicating hyacinth scent.

Choose now from our large collection of Hyacinth bulbs

Koeman Garden Centre only sells high quality hyacinth and other flower bulbs. You can choose from various types of wonderful hyacinth bulbs in several colours as they are attractive bulbs that smell delicious and can be enjoyed throughout the entire year. In winter you can plant them in pots and grow them inside to bring spring into the house. Hyacinths are also hardy plants, which means you can let them run wild in the garden.

Hyacinth Bulbs for Sale Online

Hyacinth Bulbs are for sale via our online garden centre. Hyacinths have been famous worldwide for centuries. They are in fact Mediterranean plants that used to be eaten by the Romans, as the bulbs were considered to be a delicacy. Hyacinthus orientalis, commonly known as the Dutch Hyacinth, is the most popular variety for sale online. Did you know that most hyacinth bulbs we buy today actually come from the Netherlands? The tulip and hyacinth fields in North Holland are a big attraction, millions of tourist visit the country every year during spring to see them. If you love the smell of one flowering hyacinth in your home, can you imagine how intoxicating the smell of a field full of hyacinth bulbs is?

Hyacinth Bulbs Care

Hyacinths are unfussy and very easy to care for. Their large flower clusters make them ideal for mass planting in flower borders. They make beautiful statement plants. If you love formal gardens, mass planted hyacinth bulbs look spectacular surrounded by boxwood hedging. You can plant them a bit more haphazardly in informal and carefree cottage gardens. Because they are winter hardy, they are very suitable for our colder northern climate. You can plant them in any garden area you choose and let them naturalise if you wish. Plant hyacinth bulbs in pots for placement on your patio table or near your favourite seating area in the backyard, to maximally enjoy their delicious perfume. You can also combine them with other flower bulbs like tulip bulbs, to extend the flowering period. For pot planting, choose organically rich potting soil, mixed with grit in a free-draining pot for good drainage.

Forcing Hyacinth Bulbs Indoors in Vase

Hyacinth bulbs are one of the easiest bulbs to force indoors. They require no watering at all and the reward - a beautiful, scented flower - is great. Forcing bulbs is also lovely to do with your children or grandchildren. All you need is a forcing vase (Google it) or a vase or jar which is small enough to hold the bulb above water. Fill the container with water and then place the bulb in the vessel, the bulb should not touch the water, but its roots will reach for it. Place the bulb in a light, sunny spot in your room. A windowsill is ideal. Be sure to turn the vase regularly to allow the bulb to grow upwards and to prevent lopsided growth. It is delightful to see how quickly hyacinths grow.

Hyacinth Bulbs After Flowering

After flowering, remove the flower spikes and leave the leaves on the plant. Place your plants in full sun, to allow the leaves to slowly wilt. Water the bulbs once a week. After approximately six weeks, the leaves have completely wilted, and the bulbs are ready for harvesting. Store them in a dark place, ready for planting the following year. You can also leave them in the pots if you wish, and store the pots in the garden shed.

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