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Gardencentre Koeman

Discover our floral splendor

Flower bulbs
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Organic seeds
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Garden hand tools
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The 10 most popular products for this season!

Coneflower purper - Echinacea purpurea
3,29 -27%
Sunflower tall single Evening Sun Mix
1,79 -28%
SOGO Bulb Planter
14,99 -33%
Sunflower tall single yellow
1,79 -28%

Your online garden centre for top quality Bulbs, Seeds, Plants and Gardening Supplies!

Garden Centre Koeman is the leading online garden centre in the Netherlands and the UK! Let us inspire you with our exclusive range of flower bulbs, garden seeds and perennials. As well as plants, we have a wonderful range of quality garden tools (Gardena, Burgon & Ball, Haws, Rostaing) and affordable pet supplies. If you are looking for a quick, easy and safe way to buy your garden supplies online, then you have come to the right place! Easy to buy and with a guaranteed quick delivery!

Garden tips for September, October, November, and December



Now is the time to buy tulips and plant them in the garden. Tulips are available from mid-August, in all colours and varieties. They brighten up the garden in the spring! The green leaves start to emerge in January, bringing your garden back to life. You can enjoy the magnificent blooms in April.
Would you like beautiful flowering tulips in your spring garden?

View Tulips

Beautiful flowers

Do not forget the other spring-flowering bulbs that need to be planted in the months of September to December:

  • Crocuses
  • Alliums
  • Hyacinths
  • Grape hyacinths
  • Snowdrops
  • Daffodils

View spring-flowering bulbs




The Camelia is for those who wish to enjoy flowers in early spring. The camelia has dark green leaves and flowers in March! It has very large flowers. This plant blooms profusely if planted in a place to its liking. This way you will have a whole shrub full of rose-like flowers. They are available in shades of dark pink/red and white.

View Camelia plants

Aucuba Japonica

Aucuba japonica/Spotted Laurel is a beautiful shrub for the winter garden. The leaves have a unique shade of green with yellow spots. Good to know: this plant is evergreen. It can grow into a beautiful, full-bodied shrub that also brightens up the garden under a blanket of snow! Would you like to grow this lovely evergreen your winter garden? Please browse our range of Aucuba japonica

View Aucuba Japonica
Aucuba Japonica
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