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Helleborus varieties are classic and much loved garden plants
Helleborus Niger and Helleborus Orientalis are much loved and popular garden plants. Evergreen and shade loving, the Helleborus requires little care and only needs a partially shady spot, rich soil and sufficient moisture to reward you with wonderful leaves and beautiful flowers that will adorn the plant for a very long time. Helleborus flowers look a lot like those of the wild rose despite not being related and in English they are often called the Christmas Rose.
Helleborus a European treasure
Wild Helleborus varieties are native to Europe and you can find these wild variants from the UK to Spain and Portugal. It is said that one of the eldest and most known cultivars, the Helleborus Niger, was introduced to Britain by the Romans. The best time to plant Helleborus is in October so ensure that you prepare the soil well, because once planted, the Helleborus doesn t like to be replanted.