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Magnolia for sale online
Magnolia for sale online in our webshop. Producing beautiful, large flowers in white, light pink, lilac, purple, yellow or red, this shrub is a favourite of many garden lovers all around the world. In the Netherlands, Magnolia is known as Tulip Tree due to the shape of its spectacular blooms. It is one of the oldest species of trees in the world. Fossils have been discovered which show that its flowers today look exactly like the flowers 100 million years ago. The tulip tree is available in many different types and sizes. Some species grow into large trees, yet other species that remain bushes. Some species lose their leaves in winter, and yet another will stay covered in beautiful green leaves all year long. Did you know that magnolia blossoms on the tree or shrub even before the leaves have begun to grow?
Magnolia tree
The magnolia tree is a prolific bloomer, and one of the first trees to flower come springtime. Lushly adorned with hefty flowers, the blossoming of this tree heralds the beginning of spring. Magnolia's are lovely feature plants and do well in full sunshine to partial shade. Large trees are suitable for a large garden, whereas the magnolia shrub will better fit smaller gardens. The tree can reach between 3 and 10 meters, while the shrub grows to about 3 meters tall. Tip: Plant tulip trees ideally in a spot sheltered from the wind. This will prevent the beautiful flowers of this tree from turning brown.
Pruning magnolia
Pruning magnolia is not actually necessary. These beautiful trees will naturally grow into their best shape without needing you to prune them. As well, the pruning of these trees and bushes is not necessarily any good for it. Tulip trees consist mainly of softwood, and pruning magnolia increases the risk of turning the wood rotten.