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Buy Ivy Online
Buy Ivy online and have a green garden throughout the year. This attractive plant can look splendid during the bleakest months of midwinter, and loves to climb up your wall or grow on the ground. It is a natural way to transform your fence, wall, pergola or border into a sea of green. This climber and ground cover plant require little maintenance. Whether this plant is placed in a nice spot in the sun, in a cottage garden, or in the shade along the facade of a townhouse in the city: Ivy is at home in any backyard. Birds love Ivy and enjoy to eat the berries in the winter and feed their chicks in the springtime.
The Ivy plant
Ivy will give you pleasure in any season, as it will stay green throughout the winter. Combine it with Clematis for a beautiful effect. When Clematis grows up to 2 meters, it will start flowering with beautiful colourful flowers. The best time to plant Hedera is between March and September. It will help you decide where to plant it by its leaf colour. Did you know, that the greener the leaves, the less sunlight is needed? Ivy is a very versatile plant that offers the greatest pleasure to the gardener that loves a nice evergreen garden. Buy Ivy plants online now. Please browse through our website and choose your favourite today.
Botanical name Ivy plants: Hedera
Ivy, also known as Hedera, is a favourite garden plant in many gardens. This plant can actually be placed anywhere. From a sunny to dark place in the garden.