7 results
Buckets for sale online UK
Buckets for sale online. Classic buckets made of zinc with an elegant wooden handle. Not only decorative in the garden, but also very practical. Zinc buckets last a lifetime. They are very useful in the garden. You can use them to collect garden waste, or for watering plants and trees. They are also wonderful to give as a birthday present to a loved one. Fill the bucket with different kinds of garden tools, garden gloves and other handy garden accessories. And of course, don't forget to add a beautiful flower bulb package as well. Tie a big bow around it, and you have created an original gift for a garden enthusiast. Beautiful 8 litre and 14-litre zinc buckets with wooden handles are for sale online in the UK.
Buckets, baskets and garden tools
Buckets, baskets and garden tools. Browse through our extensive range of quality gardening products in our webshop. You can never have enough of these items. Plastic buckets are more practical for DIY jobs. In the garden, a zinc bucket is much more decorative. After a while, the newness fades, and the bucket starts to weather nicely. Use them as pots. Or fill it with a nice water plant or bamboo. These plants like wet feet. For small gardens, we also have mini 'grow your own' kits with zinc planters for sale. You can grow strawberries, herbs or vegetables from seed. It is a lovely gift and ideal for the small garden or balcony.