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Alcea rosea plants for sale UK
Alcea rosea plants are for sale online in the UK for cheerful flowers in different stunning colours. Also known as Hollyhock, the plant is officially called Alcea rosea. This biannual is a beautiful, low fuss addition to your garden. Originally from Turkey and Palestine, this cheerful garden plant thrives in the English garden. This biannual plant loves the sun, but hates wind and getting wet feet. In a beautiful sunny spot in the garden, the single or double flowers bloom one after the other in June and August. Bees and bumblebees love the large, striking flowers with their long stamens. In our online webshop you can buy white, yellow, pink, red and even purple (nearly black) coloured Alcea rosea plants.
Alcea rosea plants
The best time to plant Alcea rosea plants is in the spring. This beautiful summer bloomer will be in full bloom the following summer. Plant hollyhocks in a sunny spot near a wall or fence, so that it can fully enjoy the warmth of the sun. If you plant more than one plant, leave about 50 cm of space between the plants. Hollyhocks are ideal for a small garden or balcony or a city garden because they grow vertically and tolerate poor soils. Also a good container plant. Plant in a large pot and provide support: Alcea rosea plants easily grow about two meters long.
How to prune Alcea rosea
You do not need to prune Alcea rosea plants. After flowering, the plants wither away in winter only to grow into a beautiful garden plant again in the spring. Once it has finished flowering, simply snip it away. These plants self-sow easily.