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Corn - an indispensible staple food
Corn is a grass and originates from Central America and is a staple food in Mexico where high quality Corn is grown and from which corn flour is made before being sold to China. Mexicans could only buy corn flour of very low quality in their own country because the quality corn flour was exported, but the Mexicans refused to accept this and eventually revolted.
Corn on the cob - deliciously juicy
Corn on the cob only has to be cooked for a short time or put on the grill and they are deliciously sweet and juicy, especially if you grow the corn yourself. Children are particularly fond of fresh corn on the cob with a lump of butter on top. You can also make fresh tortillas and Empañadas from corn flour or fill corn dough with cheese or other tasty morsels. Cornstarch, a binder, and Cornflakes are also made of corn. All this makes Corn a truly international staple food.